Fill In The Blank Game With 4th Grade Spelling List 26

Play Fill In The Blank Game

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Word Practice Sentence
heaviest We will get a truck to carry the heaviest stones.
shirt My shirt has huge flowers on it.
middle I am the middle child.
charm I am wearing a new charm bracelet.
gain This book will help you gain a lot of knowledge.
landed The airplane landed safely in Denver.
tune Will you help me tune my violin?
common My friends and I have a lot in common.
crumbs Please don't leave crumbs on the table.
hungry I am really hungry now.
studied Dillon studied five hours for his math final.
begin We will begin school today with announcements.
wreckage The wreckage was spread out all over the island.
Monday My birthday is next Monday.
differences What are the differences between these two laptops?