Spelling Test and Practice with 6th Grade List
Spelling Test and Practice
About Our Online 6th Grade Spelling Test
Our 6th Grade Spelling Tests have a wonderful variety of useful words for 6th graders. Take tests or practice online with our lists or make your own.
Interested in saving test scores?
Saving your test scores for future reference is a breeze. Create your account, add your students, import our lists or make your own, take tests and your scores will be saved in your free account. No spam, ever.
How Do I Practice Spelling?
- Select Your Grade
- Select Your List
- Select The "Practice" Checkbox
- Click The "Say It" Button
- Type In The Word
- Click The "Check It" Button
- Continue Until You See Your Score On Screen
How Do I Take Spelling Tests?
- Select Your Grade
- Select Your List
- Select The "Test" Checkbox
- Click The "Say It" Button
- Type In The Word
- Click The "Check It" Button
- Continue Until You See Your Score On Screen
Would You Like To Make Your Own Spelling Lists?
It's easy to make your own spelling lists!
- Create An Account
- Add Your Student/s
- Go To Manage Lists > Custom Lists
- Select Student Name (for list you want to add)
- Give Your List A Name (example: Week 3)
- Put In An Optional Description (example: words that start with th)
- Click Add Button
- Enter Words & Sentences
- Publish Lists (Manage Lists > Publish Lists)
Once you complete the steps above, you can take tests, practice or play games with your own spelling lists.
Would You Like To Play Games With These Lists?
Games like Fill-In-The-Blank, Spelling Soup and more will keep your students learning while having fun. Each time you play, the game changes too! Games are populated with our lists or the lists that you've entered.