8th Grade Spelling Words - Eighth Grade Spelling Lists 28

Eighth Grade Spelling Lists

8th Grade Spelling List #28
Word Practice Sentence Type
advertise I will advertise in the local paper. Basic
regardless I will support you regardless of what others say. Basic
coup The coup resulted in new leadership. Basic
assistance The assistance of the neighbors made the new barn possible. Basic
contamination The contamination of the streams will be cleaned up. Basic
mischief He was responsible for all of the mischief that has taken place. Basic
Arkansas Little Rock is the capital of Arkansas. Basic
destroy The laser will destroy the cancer cells. Basic
policy Our policy is clearly stated in the town charter. Basic
recipient Last year's recipient will present the award. Basic
crude His jokes are too crude to repeat. Basic
persimmon The persimmon is a fruit of Chinese origin. Basic
referral I received a referral to your office. Basic
extravagant The ball was extremely extravagant. Basic
impede I don't want to impede anyone's progress. Basic
engagement The engagement was very short. Basic
disadvantage Our disadvantage is that we entered the race late. Challenge
nullify These documents will nullify the agreement. Challenge
calamity The volcano caused a calamity of epic proportions. Challenge
delicious This blueberry pie is delicious. Challenge
perplexing The puzzle is quite perplexing. Challenge
devoid He is completely devoid of character. Challenge